A quick update on Love Trolls from PPL farms: who they are, how they are trained, who pays them. Scroll down for examples of actual online ads with breakdown of responsibilities and earnings.
Learn more about PPL troll factories here.
Quick insight into PPL Internet troll factories
- PPL Master Sites sign Partner Agreements with Agents, under which agents get paid commissions on communication of men with Brides.
- Agents hire Trolls (aka Translators) and Brides.
- To manage Brides and Trolls, Agents hire Mentors.
- To hire more Brides and Trolls, Agents hire Scouts.
- To manage Agents, Master Sites hire Curators.
Here is the multi-layered structure of how scams are operated (click to enlarge).
Love trolls (aka ‘Translators’) are in direct contact with Americans who pay money, via the online interface of Master Sites.
How marriage agencies advertise to hire PPL Trolls, Brides, Scouts, Curators: Examples of ads
I retrieved these ads from Work.ua on 10-11 April 2018. Some of these companies advertise for years and hire multiple workers through each vacancy. Love trolls (aka ‘Translators’) are the workers who directly interact with male clients and such specialists are in the highest demand. See also how much the trolls earn by scamming Americans.
To make it easier to read for users who don’t speak Russian, all ads are translated through Google Translate tool. The URL of original ads in Russian are highlighted in the picture. You can perform the same process yourself by typing in the URL of the vacancy in Google Translate and run the translation in the direction Russian to English. The automatic translations are not always perfect but understandable enough.
Ads to hire Love Trolls
There are more ads placed by Agents to hire Love Trolls (aka Translators) than for any other position in PPL marriage agencies. It is the Love Trolls who write letters and chats that do the work that brings actual money (men pay for communication).
Some ads offer 50% of the agency’s income; others up to 75%. It depends whether the worker is writing under her own identity or uses a profile of a Fake Bride. Employees who write under their own identity are highly valued (they can also appear in video chats, proving that ‘its for real’) but such specialists are extremely hard to find. The majority of communication on websites is substituted: In other words, one person allows her data (photos, passport) to be used to set up a profile on the Master Site and another person communicates under this identity.
Trolls are required to work 4-8 hours daily, depending on the agent. Some agents require workers to attend office in order to login to the Master Site (obviously, it’s easier to monitor what employees do). Others are happy with workers doing their job from home remotely.
Before hiring a new employee, agents check their pages in social networks, to ensure it’s a real person and not someone sent by a competitor to ruin their business. There are reports online about newly hired workers who simply sent mails promoting a competing PPL Master Site to all male clients, causing the agent to be fined. And these fines can run into thousands of dollars.
Ads to hire fake Brides
Pretty girls are recruited for the positions of Fake Brides with promises of gifts and ‘money for doing nothing’. The girls who only allow their data to be used are usually offered about 10% of the profile earnings, as per Agent’s statistics. PPL Master Sites encourage men to send gifts to ‘women’ they are talking to online, which provides income both for the agent and the Fake Bride (the money sent for purchasing the gift is split 50/50 between the Fake Bride and the Agent).
Because PPL sites constantly expand and new Master Sites are launched, all Agents work with more than one Master Site and need a constant stream of new faces.
The amount of Fake Brides answering ads on employment portals is not enough for Agents, so they hire Scouts to contact pretty girls in social networks offering them ‘money for nothing’ plus a professional photo session for free (including makeup and hair).
Young girls love pretty photos and agree to get something for free in exchange for allowing their data to be used in a dating profile on some foreign site (which is not accessible from Ukraine, by the way, so the Agents promise girls ‘no one you know will see your photos there’). Of course, it’s not true. It’s possible to see photos by using a VPN service, where you can replace your actual IP address with another one from the USA. This is what Agents that are based in Ukraine do when checking how the things operate from the side of clients. (Agents try to scam their employers as well; in PPL system everyone is lying to each other.)
The ad is asking for someone with an experience of working as an administrator (Mentor) of a Marriage Agency to manage Agents from ‘the other side of the barricades’. It’s the first time I see that Master Sites directly hire personnel in Ukraine. It could be a new website that tries to get established in the lucrative PPL market. The name of the company that placed the ad is hidden and you can only use the button ‘Send a resume’. However, to place ads a business should be properly registered; they check for fakes.
There are hundreds of vacancies like these that are currently active on online employment portals such as Work.ua. PPL troll factories are working and scamming Americans every day, and law enforcement agencies in the USA are doing nothing to stop it.
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You can send a message through Comments section below to contact Elena Petrova, the author of this article.
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I think you need to be aware that they are on your site too Elena. Professional photographs being used and the props or background used are the same as some photographs on PPL sites. Even the style of photographs taken. I am cataloging my finds and will pass it on with the comparison photographs. Unfortunately they are everywhere. Its big business.
Ron, As you are in Australia, have you contacted Scamwatch.gov.au (ACCC), Fair Trading, Acorn.gov.au? It’s pointless to post comments in online forums; you need to write to authorities with your detailed Affidavit and receipts of money lost and request responses. Don’t wait; your complaint becomes less relevant as you wait. They only need YOUR OWN STORY and FACTS, not “what you think” is going on. They are able to investigate themselves, it’s their job. Also report to journalists writing investigative reports, current affair TV programs. In regard to photo backgrounds, PPL agents don’t make photos themselves, they pay photographers. These… Read more »
Why on earth are you spending time “cataloging” to report? I thought that joining a dating site was to contact and communicate with another person to achieve your goals.
Make your mind up if EM is a realistic reasonable product and why you are here . Seriously I see so much information is given to simply demonstrate the facts of different products
Get on with dating not reviewing
You are right: The first thing a man needs to decide upon is “What is my goal?” — What do I want at the end to happen? How what I am doing is going to bring me closer to what I really want?
Quite simple 🙂
In regard to PPL — there is NO PPL “PAY PER LETTER” ON ELENA’S MODELS (and has never been). All communication with your “Contacts” is 100% FREE.
So, you have 0% chance to encounter pay-per-letter scams on Elena’s Models website 😉
My goal is simple, show just how stupid they really are and how they will stop at absolutely nothing to get your cash. Elena I will tell you like it is, they use your site as well to bring it into disrepute, simply because you are a competitor. In their eyes. Truth is not all of the women on here are looking for “love’.. Now before you call me sinacle, here is a real life scenario and I have sent the pics into your email address given by customer service. You can do whatever you like. But this is the… Read more »
Ron, You are not a subscriber on EM, but only “looking at pics”, correct? What I am trying to put across to you, Ron, is that pay per letter (PPL) scams are impossible on EM, simply because we do not charge for communication. And encourage you to share your direct contact details, communicate on free apps with video. What’s the point for PPL scammers to sit here? So that they waste their time? Besides, it would take hours for them to get listed in the first place, pass the personal interview, and all for what? They cannot earn a cent… Read more »
Yes Elena but what they do is befriend broken hearted and lonely men and lure them off site, to a nice cozy Facebook page, ie Messenger, come on strong, then next thing you know they aint contacting you at all, but they post blogs like “how to meet a nice Russian girl” now what I do need to say is it is both sexes they go after. Not just men. Of either sexual persuasion. Then you get the one letter per weekers, chat once a months.. The list is endless. PPL is an instigator. But name a dating site. I… Read more »
Explain to me please, if you do not pay for communication… how can PPL scammers defraud you?
This is a really good article, even though you may think that I dont agree, I do. Its about being informed Elena and honestly I admire you for writing what you do. So keep up the great work kiddo.. Lol
You too keep up the good work 🙂
Remember the case when a woman’s ex kept posting her pics on porn sites? She could not get Police to prosecute him for 4 years and then her husband included the state’s Police commissioner and Police minister in email complaints, and in 2 weeks the guy was caught and locked in jail. Now we have a law against revenge porn. Once a case becomes public, 1000s more victims start speaking up and everyone realizes it’s a real problem.
It doesn’t happen until it happens, and then it happens BIG! 😉
One PPL site has a particular agent operating out of Kharkov.. Lets just say, that one will do anything for a buck.
Currently a detailed in depth investigation is about to start in Ukraine due to amount of global complaints received, the intention is to expose and prevent further financial losses while shutting down permanently PPL pathways.
James, Over 30,000 people in Ukraine are employed in the PPL industry as “love trolls”. How is it going to be stopped, if authorities don’t look into the actual reason for the scams — the fact that content providers are PAID by Master Sites depending on the amount of content (letters, chats, videos, photos) produced? They need to look at the software and the scheme itself, not the low-level perpetrators — who, of course, break the law, but only on orders from above. Take the top layer off (there is only a dozen or so companies that keep re-producing new… Read more »
Exactly, so Richard went undercover.. Well not really.. ‘undercover’ he was really in plain sight.. Lol