Ukraine has a generation of bloggers, whose job is to post on social media such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, VK (although VKontakte is officially banned in the country). Who are these bloggers and what Ukrainians think of them?
42% of Ukrainians think that bloggers are just lazy bums
Another word for that would be societal parasites. There used to be an article of law in the Soviet Union, according to which people could be prosecuted if not working productively for the benefit of the country.
For instance, poet Joseph Brodsky was prosecuted for parasitism and sentenced to 5 years of hard labour (he served 18 months).
So, when 42% of respondents say they see bloggers as idlers in an online survey by Segodnya, it’s a worry. Modern Ukraine is way more democratic than the old times USSR, but apparently people don’t see creation of online content as a respectable day job. Just like the Soviet court didn’t wish to accept as a worthy day job the vocation of being a poet for Brodsky in 1964, for not providing a sufficient contribution to the society. (He was asked whether he was a member of the writers union, and since he wasn’t, his claim of being a bona fide poet was rejected, although he went on to win the Nobel Prize in literature in 1987.)
However, there were also 20% of people in the Ukrainian online poll who viewed blog authors as creators of digital content, in addition to 20% of respondents who consider them a bona fide mass media of a novel kind.
Further 9% of respondents view bloggers as influencers and 7% of participants consider them to be businesspeople. So, in total, nearly 57% of respondents in Ukraine have a positive view of people running online blogs.
In fact, it’s all of the above! Except for lazy bums, of course. The job of a blogger includes not any less skill and hard work than the one of a journalist.
Modern blogging
I am one of the first online bloggers, having started with a website (aka Russian Brides Cyber Guide) in 1999. I was posting content weekly, answering questions I was getting from my readers along with some articles, before the word “blogging” was even invented.
There was no blogging software like Word Press, it was just in a form of a website.
Today’s bloggers have so much more software and tools to use. Many of them grow lists of subscribers into millions, having started with nothing but a blank Instagram page.
They are creating content, photos, videos, texts, training courses, combining skills of mentors, influencers, and businesspeople. Successful bloggers are truly multitalented.
By the way, many former female clients who married western men and moved abroad have successful blogs online. It’s easy for a Russian or Ukrainian lady in the USA or Europe to operate an online service for her compatriots.
In the coming days we will be publishing some of their stories.
Follow @elenasmodels on Instagram.
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