Love success stories of our members? Don’t forget to tell us about your own story! With hundreds of couples connecting monthly, many people are meeting and starting romances every month. There is a wedding that started from meeting on possibly every week of the year!
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Why we love hearing about your success
As a team member of Elena’s Models, one of the best rewards we get are stories from our users who found their match.
At customer services we communicate with members who need our help and advice on many matters every day. When we hear about out member’s success, it’s a big motivator that lets us know how important our role is to members.
Each week we are asked by many users from the USA to provide a formal letter to assist with applications for fiancée visas. In fact, we get on average 3 such requests just from the USA per week. This is fantastic news when we receive it. This means another engagement and intention to be married with a wonderful lady moving to the man of her dreams.
We always respond promptly and congratulate them on their success and wish all the best for the future. The only sad part for us is we don’t get to know their story, how they made it happen and never seeing their beautiful happy photos. We so much want to read and see these couples, as this is the reason we work in a company that helps people find relationships. As a team, we at EM believe you can all find your soul mate, most of us have done this and want the same success for others.
Please, Elena, can you ask your readers to share their story if they have been successful, as it brings much joy to us all in the customer services team and reminds us how very important our job is.
We know how many happy couples get together each week from users in the USA, as they require a formal letter for a fiancée visa application. We also get messages from men in other countries such as the UK, Canada, Germany, Italy and Australia. However, as they don’t need any documentation from us, we feel there are many more stories out there. Help us share the success with our team and others.
Your stories not only bring joy to us in the team, but your insights are super valuable to other members for guidance. Looking forward to hearing from you!
All our best,
Customer Service Team
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A doesn’t want to post a more complete success story until we’re actually married, but we first saw each other’s profiles last April and sent one message each way, I sent her a follow up a few weeks later because I kept looking back at her profile, we started communicating regularly last July, spent a week in Hong Kong in October, and got engaged in February in Rome. So I will be one of those contacting you about documentation for a fiancee visa application very soon, actually …
Hi Dave,
Great to hear from you. It’s wonderful news, contact us as needed, we had 5 requests for fiancée visa letters last week.
Hi Elena, I was told that in order to get a Fiance visa, that my Russian girlfriend would have to show 5000.00 dollars in the bank.. as part of the visa.. Is this true? I have been all over the u.s. government website and I have only found that i have to show Financial responsibility for her.. Could you explain the process of getting the visa. I have read different prices and different procedures. we want to do everything right… Thank you so much,,, in advance.. Andrew
Read the USA government website:
Don’t try to search sources on the Internet. Rules change all the time. Only the government website always has the correct information.
Honestly, who did you hear this from? Because that’s nonsense. The actual fees involved are nowhere near that much (and either have to be paid by you or can be, and are paid at different times), and the US doesn’t care about your fiancee’s assets or income when determining whether you have sufficient means to support her, just yours. You’ve probably seen different prices because the fees have changed over time (nothing goes away once it’s online; lots of guides about getting your foreign fiance or spouse to the US mention a type of visa that’s almost never used anymore… Read more »
And yes ,, we found each other on your website January 3rd… I will always remember that day, thank you so much in advance…Your website has to be the best dating site on the internet… I dated for 10 years on the internet in the USA, and there sites do not come close to yours… Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!! Andrew
Hello Elena, I met my soulmate on your website 9/29/17. We quickly started communicating multiple times each day. We greet each other each morning and say good night each evening. After about a month, we started Video chatting every Saturday and Sunday. Usually 1 to 2 hours. Sometimes we would video for 3 or 4 hours. Viber and WhatsApp were the best for me. I never had any luck with Skype. Skype gave my laptop a virus. My first visit to Kiev, Ukraine was the last week of December, 2017. I stayed thru 1/2/18. I just got back from my… Read more »
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for your comment. Yes, you can send your story and photos through our Help Desk at any time! We do publish stories of couples who got engaged as well as those who got married.