Lovemaking is no longer a topic to avoid, but millennials are having much less sex than their parents. What is going on?
Dating and sex in the 21 century
The frequency of lovemaking among generation Z dropped nearly by half as compared to their parents and grandparents. Psychologists are alarmed: People aged 18-34 aren’t sexually active enough. It could have long lasting consequences.
Maria Blavatskaya from delves into reasons of this phenomenon.
Men are mostly physiological about love, the Russian experts believes, but a woman needs emotional tuning in, to do it. The problem is that modern bloggers from Instagram broadcast such an impossible picture of happy family life that an ordinary reader feels inadequate, especially females.
As the result, ladies start having issues with self-esteem, which affect their libido. Girls strive to become ideal, just like their the Instagram idols, and simply have no energy left to build relationships with a man.
Parents’ views
Russians still get married earlier than an average European or American, but the age of the first marriage is statistically going up in Russia as well.
Parents of today believe that the child should first get education and build a career, and only then get married. The situation is complicated by the views that keep gaining more popularity in Russia, which prohibit sex before marriage for girls, as well as label cohabitation with a man as inappropriate and even sinful.
In the meantime, the young person’s interest to sex is waning and during the time as defined by human biology when they are supposed to be having most sex, they are having none. Correct mental and physiological mechanisms are not formed, which should be happening right at that time, when a teenager becomes a young adult.
Bad first experience
Especially for women, a bad first experience leaves a strong aftertaste. Men seem to handle problems during the first intercourse better.
Of course, not many people can say that their first time was perfect, but lack of trust and understanding between partners can hinder follow up encounters.
Accessibility of love
20 years ago one had to get out and meet people to find someone wanting to jump in bed. Today it’s possible to meet people online at any time of the day without leaving your own home. allows you even meet Russian women!
It should make people want to have sex more, but the opposite happened. People feel it’s available at any time, so there is no sense of urgency. Why get ready to get out, if you can simply relax at home and meet someone when you feel like that?
“Intimacy is no longer a type of entertainment”, Blavatskaya resolves. Vice versa, it requires preparation and effort.
“Millennials don’t want to spend time on the process that may not be that pleasant and interesting as they wish”.
What do you think about that? Do you feel people in your country also lost interest to lovemaking?
Read also:
- How much sex other people are having? Much less than you think
- 5 reasons why sex in the mornings is the best
- Age of marriage in Russia
- 10 deadly sins of dating Russian women
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