Every week we at Elenas Models approve hundreds of new profiles. Your online profile is the only thing that can make a lady interested in you. It will determine your success or failure.
This is why you should treat your online profile as your resume — you are applying for the position of a fun, exciting, loving partner to The Woman of Your Dreams.
It may become the most important position you have ever applied for in you Life! You may be on the way to meeting the future Mrs. Right, the mother of your children, your best friend, lifetime partner and lover. Don’t let her overlook you in the pile of other CV’s.
I have written about photos time and again. Your photo is about the only thing that a woman can notice in the search results. It is also sent with your messages or chat requests.
- You must have a photo in your profile
- You must have a nice photo with a happy smile
- It should NOT be a selfie made in a bathroom mirror (please!)
Guys, it’s no rocket science! 🙂
Just put 1 hour into getting a really nice photo of you taken, and you will save yourself 10’s of hours spent on writing messages to girls who reject you. If you needed a photo for a CV applying for a job, I am sure you would get a nice picture. Do the same here.
Check how to skyrocket your popularity with women for more tips for men about photos and avoid photo bombs.
Profile text
The most important 4 areas: interests, personality, message, and requirements to a partner. Those texts you write “in your own words”.
- You must be positive
- You must be original, and not boring
- Create a feeling, not just provide facts
- Think what would make you interesting to The Woman of Your Dreams
Just for the record: Computer games, Internet surfing, and fishing won’t make you exciting to The Woman of Your Dreams. 😉 Feel free to leave them out!
(I have yet met a woman who is looking for a grown up man, who loves sitting in his room playing online games. When I find this magic woman, I will write a special article and post a link on the blog, so that all the computer addicts could try their luck with her. Keep checking this space!)
Seriously, guys. Think of a woman you want to meet, and then think of the type of man she wants to meet.
Don’t entertain silly ideas that Russian and Ukrainian girls just want to escape poverty, and would accept anyone — ask dating veterans who made several trips there. Nope. 🙂 Not true. You actually have to establish a relationship, make her interested in you.
Yes, Russian and Ukrainian ladies are less spoiled because of the luck of good men in their countries and unfavourable demographics, and their requirements to a man are not as sky-high, as western women’s — but they still have requirements, nevertheless. Check female profiles and what they say about their ideal partner. Especially the type of girls you’d like to date.
Interests that women like:
- Reading/books
- Travel
- Photography
- Art
- Self-improvement
- Theatre
- Films
- Shows/concerts
- Dancing
Personality traits that women find attractive:
- Strong
- Sporty
- Confident
- Honest
- Kind
- Caring
- Loving children
- Tall
Goals that women want to achieve by dating men on Elenas Models:
- Create a family
- Find a partner for life
- Travel together
- Enjoy life together
- Build a future together
- Share interests and experiences
- Find a real man
- Find their True Love
If any of the above is aligned with your interests, personality, or goals — feel free to include these in your profile.
If you have any special interests or hobbies, include them in your profile. For example, one guy said he added his interest in performing on stage, singing country songs and playing guitar, and started to receive significantly more EOI’s and messages from ladies, and more positive responses to his own mails.
If you have any interests connected to travel, art, dancing etc — include them! Tell about it in details, create a feeling with your story, don’t just put 1 word: “music”. If you have a successful career or a job you love — write about it, too.
Again, invest 1-2 hours here in writing an electrifying, comprehensive profile about what makes you different from all other men vying for her attention — and you will save countless hours and heartache of being rejected time after time.
It must be succinct and aspirational: 50-100 words each section (personality, interests, message, requirements to a partner) — not too long or too short. Long profiles are not read. Short profiles seem incomplete. 3-4 sentences give enough food for thought and leave her wanting more.
What NOT to write
Apart from telling in detail about your computer addictions (not sexy, guys!), also avoid general statements that don’t add any value:
- I don’t know if it’s going to work, but I decided to give it a try.
- I have no idea what to write here, contact me and ask.
- I will add it later.
Within the same 10 seconds it would take you to type this nonsense, you could just as well write: “travel, art, family, life in general” — which would be 100 times better!
Also avoid:
- Negative statements (“no women with baggage”, “no fat girls” etc)
- Anything about scamming (“no scammers”, “scammers do not write to me” etc) — it only has the opposite effect, attracting scammers to your profile; they see it as a challenge. But it will certainly put off legitimate girls.
- Demands (“only serious ladies”, “genuine people only” etc)
Remember, the feeling your profile creates is extremely important. Just like your photo, the feeling you want to create is of a happy smile, not a scowl. Be positive, friendly, open, and kind.
But above all, be real. Don’t try to exaggerate your wealth, height, or underquote your age or weight. It will only create problems later.
Think what makes you special and what is the most important message about you that she ought to know before meeting you. This is what definitely should be included in your profile!
Read also:
- What to answer to «Hi, how are you?» on a dating site
- Trust in relationships — 2 types of people
- Love and relationships — happily ever after
- Empathy and success are linked, or why Slavic women seek kind men?
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