The economy of feelings is coming, experts predict. No longer the ability to solve problems and analyse data will be the keys to success, since artificial intelligence is better at that than people. So, if you want a lasting career, better get in touch with your emotions, business experts highlight.
Are you any good in managing and expressing your emotions?
The economy of emotions is coming
Professor Roland Rust from the University of Maryland’s School of Business points out that we should be prepared to the next stage of civilization where feelings will be the most valuable human ability, as opposed to problem solving and number crunching, where AI is quickly taking over.
In the words of the business expert, “It means that if humans want jobs, they better get good at feeling.”
The most important skills that humans could possess would be emotional intelligence (EQ) and ability to manage interpersonal relationships, bringing up the value of people skills to new heights.
The proof is in the pudding, so the researchers set to check the data. Rust and his team coded tasks that workers in the USA perform and compared the list of responsibilities from 2006 to 2016. Millions of workers across the States were analysed based on the spectrum of physical, thinking, or feeling tasks.
The shirt in the importance of “feeling” tasks was remarkable. In other way, the economy of feelings isn’t in some distant future; the shift is already occurring today.
The analysis titled, “The Feeling Economy: Managing in the Next Generation of Artificial Intelligence” was published in the California Management Review.
How AI is changing business
Is the shift towards the “feeling” tasks something that could “hit people before they now it”? Rust believes it is.
“It’s already happening. We’re already seeing the shift in feeling as being more important, not only in terms of employment growth, but in terms of compensation growth. There is greater compensation growth in feeling than there is in thinking. This is really across the board — you name a job and we can show a shift from thinking to feeling,” he points out.
Even such jobs like financial analysts changed in 10 years towards the “feeling” spectrum. It’s no longer just crunching the numbers, but being seen as a trustworthy source that counts the most.
Are you ready to get in touch with your feelings?
Finding a great relationship with a genuine woman would be a good start on this way.
The ability to be conscious of feelings and express them in the right way is something of a skill. It can be learned and improved, if you wish to do so.
If you struggled in the past in this department, grab a copy of VIP Dating Coaching Manual by Elena Petrova and get on the way!
Not only it will help you to find the woman of your dreams faster, but you will also learn some “soft skills” that are becoming so valuable for your career in the modern economy.
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