What is the American dream date and is it possible to attain? Take advantage of global trends and opportunities and discover why so many men from the USA choose to date women from Russia or Ukraine.
The new American dream date
James Truslow Adams defined the American dream in 1931 with the famous phrase, “Life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement” and regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.
The American dream is one of the cornerstones of the modern society — but is it still achievable in dating?
What would be a dream date for an American man in the 21 century?
The dream date fits your profile of an ideal woman and everyone’s portrait would be different. Depending on where you are in life, your plans and dreams about the future, you could be looking for someone career-minded or family-oriented.
There are American women who fit this description, but the competition for them is too tough, statistics show.
Male to female ratios differ around the world, but in general there are about 106 boys are born to 100 girls.
This was the way Mother Nature designed, because historically boys tend to take more risks and could die more often — but not in our times. In our times, in developed countries boys and girls survive into adulthood and face the challenges of finding a partner as the gender ratios dictate.
You probably suspected that for a long time, but never looked at the actual statistics and here it is, black on white: There are more males than females in the USA, UK, or Australia, if we look at seeking a partner of childbearing age, considering most American singles pair someone about the same age.
It’s only in the age group 55+ that the ratio shifts towards more women than men in America, Australia and UK. Before that, there are more guys!
Statistics of male to female ratios by age
- USA: 15-24 — 1.05; 25-54 — 1.00
- UK: 15-24 — 1.04; 25-54 — 1.04
- Australia: 15-24 — 1.05; 25-54 — 1.04
As you can see, men in the USA, UK and Australia are disadvantaged from the start and it lasts all the years when they are able to start a family.
American men have to compete for better quality women (prospective dates), while ladies have an ample choice.
The imbalance in gender ratios does change the dating culture and behaviours, even though the disproportion may seem insignificant.
The reason for that: Once people have paired up, a single person struggles more, when there is a misbalance in gender ratios!
Most adults are in a relationship. This leaves much fewer available prospects of a required gender, if there are more guys or girls in the country, for the gender that is in a majority. In America, as we know, there are more guys! The same in Australia and UK.
Still looking for your dream date?
We’ll show you where is the best place to find it.
There are 86 males to 100 females in Russia and Ukraine
This is among all ages, and if we look at the details, there are also 106 boys born to 100 girls in Ukraine and Russia.
But what is different, due to the cultural specifics, early deaths are typical of young males. This is the reason why there are more brides than grooms in Ukraine. The same reasoning applies to Russia.
American statistics are just completely the opposite.
Risk taking and aggressive behaviour of young guys in Russia and Ukraine cause too many fatal accidents
The Russian culture encourages aggressive behaviour in males (while totally loathing it in females, who should be ‘modest’ and timid).
For instance, a young guy in Russia is supposed to be reckless, take risks at any opportunity, as well as react physically to any perceived disrespect or attempt to dominate by another male. Fights are honourable, retreating in the face of danger is dishonourable.
One guy said something wrong, the other hit him in the face, friends jump into action. The result: Someone dies, others go to jail and also out of the mating pool. This happens a lot and it does affect the demographics so strongly that from the age of 25 and up in urban settlements and cities of Russia there are already more females than males. Even though at birth there were 106 boys to 100 girls.
Single ladies in large Russian cities such as Moscow or St. Petersburg complain that it feels like there are 9 girls competing for every eligible bachelor.
Both men and women dream to meet the right partner, but their options could be limited due to demographics.
Demographics affect attitudes and dating behaviours
Russian females grow up in the society where a woman has to work very hard to keep a mate.
Girls compete with each other by lifting the grooming standards and adopting caring and tolerant attitudes towards partners — even towards men’s cheating.
It’s considered a universal rule in Russia that ‘all men cheat’, which means, there is no point in being upset about a boyfriend’s wandering penis, since the next guy will be the same. The most important thing is that he still wants to be in a relationship with you and didn’t dump you (as yet), which is what all Russian girls fear the most — that the guy will leave.
This is also the reason why women strive to get married and not just get a boyfriend. If the couple is married, she feels that there is some ‘protection’ against a guy’s leaving her on a whim.
What does it have to do with the American dream date?
For an American man of any statue, regardless of the situation at birth, his dating life can be so much fuller when he is engaging with women from Russia or Ukraine. The dates are better and richer and fuller for everyone!
- Men from the USA can meet better quality women in Russia.
- It works the same for women from Russia: They can pair up with an American man of a much better quality than a guy she could be with at home.
Russian guys have different attitudes in dating because they don’t need to work hard to keep the girl. For women from Russia, having a husband who has a stable job, wants to be in a committed union, and doesn’t abuse alcohol is already a dream come true — sadly, it’s not propaganda but a grim reality. Yes, even today.
Your dream date may be waiting for you in Russia
There is so much history to the American dream and definitions over time.
Today we continue to see more and more men from the USA wanting a dream after achieving a lot in their life in America. And why not? Everyone deserves the best they can get.
A beautiful, intelligent and educated woman with strong family values will complete this personal dream for a single American man.
This is why men from the USA and women from Russia feel so excited in a mutual match. Both parties feel they are getting so much more than what was available for them at home!
A match made in heaven, this is what a romance with a beautiful family-oriented lady from Russia may feel for an American guy.
With so much to gain and nothing to lose, why not check your dating options on Elenasmodels.com?
Your dream date could be waiting there.
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just had to add the politically correct nonsense: “and regardless of social class or circumstance of birth”…….i stopped reading at this point, partly because of disappointment, partly because it’s simply wrong. our ability and achievement is ROOTED in our social class and genetics……next time, just let a powerful quotation stand alone.
ex english teacher, an interesting point of view! I would say, there are enough examples showing that your belief in the defining influence of the social class and genetics is not always right: People from low socioeconomic levels achieving high standards of life, impossible for their parents, and people from the high socioeconomic strata falling to their demise, despite the preferential start in life. Even though in general the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, many apples move thousands of miles away from the trees where they grew and matured. I mean, there are enough cases to confirm… Read more »
I agree, well said. Many of the richest people in the world don’t have either a high school or college degree. What they do have is passion and a wolf attitude, not sheep waiting to be led.
Derek, you are so right! It’s all in the attitude and effort. Even severely handicapped people manage to become successful when they put their mind and will to that — look at paralimpians! They can teach anyone the value of the continuous effort
United States has proven you are wrong. The circumstance of your birth and upbringing can offer advantage, but it has little to do with ability and achievement. In the words of a famous American Sports figure ” it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog”. Our ability to succeed is rooted in our fight to succeed. This is why a bunch of colonial misfits beat down the greatest country in the world in 1776. I will tell you a little bit about myself, my family is from the social… Read more »
William, love this quote!
“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog that matters” — so true!
I’m not going to lie, Slavic women are the most beautiful women I have seen. I think it is important on a base level to have that attraction. But I didn’t come to this dating site for beautiful woman, I came to this site because I like the attitudes of Slavic women towards family, and married life. I find many American women to be too masculine and independent in their nature. I don’t think a woman should be submissive, but I like it when she is a woman first. I never thought that there was this issue with numbers in… Read more »
William, I think demographics in Russia will be slowly changing for the better, as societal values change. If fewer boys die early (that’s the main handicap now due to recklessness being considered the epitome of masculinity by young males), then of course there will be just as many males and females in Russia as in America and women would no longer need to be “perfect” to find a mate.
You are absolutely correct, I hope that Russian women will continue to be Ladies and value family, it would be ashamed to see them turn into Western women rejecting the ideals of family and becoming the same I have seen all over USA and Western Europe. A very disheartening thought, hopefully I won’t be around to see it.
Elena Temnikova, front girl in singing group Serebro is the most desirable woman to have ever graced our blue planet with her presence. Especially in their music video, Mama Lover. But really, they’re all dream girls in Russia.