There are things that can make you more attractive to potential partners on a dating site, which include having a great photo, uploading an upbeat and interesting video and talking about yourself in a positive way.
However, there are also some things that make you look less attractive, according to scientists. Check if you are not skimping on some much-needed ingredients of romantic magic in your search for the best love partner in the world.
Things that make you less attractive
In times of Internet, doing a research or running a poll isn’t as hard as it used to be, this is why we know much more today about human psychology than 20 years ago.
Elenasmodels also ran a number of polls to find out many aspects typical to our users, which you can check through the link here: Elena’s Models research.
We have conducted over a dozen of surveys to discover regularities of search and site usage by international love seekers.
In particular, you may benefit from finding out which questions women on Elena’s Models would like to ask men but are too shy to raise. Giving ladies answers to these questions without them needing to ask will make it simpler to establish a close connection, which may lead to something amazing that has the potential to end your single life. And, of course, not giving them these answers makes you less attractive in their eyes.
Another chunk of insights you’d gain from finding out the real reasons why Russian, Ukrainian women decide to list their profiles on an online dating site helping to meet foreign men for a relationship. In fact, Slavic women from countries of the former USSR have 2 sets of drivers: towards and from. Some indicate they decided to date internationally because they don’t like something at home (“away” motivation), others believe things are better elsewhere (“towards” motivation). And by “things” we don’t only mean the lifestyle, but the culture and values of people as well. Knowing these things it will be easier for you to find a more suitable angle to express yourself in your profile and communication with ladies.
When you know what motivates another person, it’s much easier to establish a connection, and vice versa, building on a foundation of wrong assumptions (such as myths promoted by the mainstream media, “All these women just seek a passport” or “These girls just sell themselves to get out of poverty”) would lead you astray. If you believe your passport can get you a pretty girl from “a poor country”, that’s where the foundations of future problems in your future relationship start. You cannot meet a genuine, fun, smart, educated, professional woman if you are looking for a poor girl eager to sell herself. Makes sense? Besides, such attitudes permeating your communication will be highly unattractive.
But in general, what aspects you may be overlooking that could put prospective partners off? Business Insider revealed the top-9 turn-offs that could hinder your chances to find romance.
1. Dishonesty
The other day I was doing a personal consultation with one of the ladies on our site and she told me that she keeps running into men on EM who happen to be married. The guys are hiding this fact and indicate in their profiles that they are available, but in reality they are married, which means they are either not divorced officially or even living with a wife full-time and simply seeking entertainment on a side.
The lady was so disappointed that she even thought that all men on our site may be married… Of course, most men are not married on EM — I don’t believe that even 10% are — but such experiences may cause a woman stop searching. In addition, guys also lied about their age and took off 10 years of the actual number.
It’s not fair to waste another person’s time and lie like this, but this also makes you highly unattractive as a potential partner. Research, too, agrees that lies are the major turn-off for users of dating sites of either gender.
When scientists asked about traits of intelligence, independence and honesty, only the latter was found to substantially influence how attractive a person was perceived.
Dishonesty makes you less attractive to potential romantic partners. Honesty is the best policy in love and life!
2. Laziness
Unsurprisingly, lazy people aren’t particularly attractive. The findings are based on a research that asked students to rate attractiveness of other people in the group in the beginning and at the end of the course. People who were perceived as lazy were rated also as less attractive, even though in the beginning they were viewed as average in looks.
3. Poor sense of humour
Sense of humour includes not only the ability to make jokes but also not to take oneself too seriously and laugh at life’s misfortunes, rather than get angry about them. Even an average sense of humour is much less attractive to potential romantic partners than having a great sense of humour.
4. Being overly happy and upbeat
Over 11 thousand people took part in an experiment, where attractiveness was judged along with other qualities, by simply looking at photos. Men were rated the most attractive when they displayed pride and less charming when they looked too upbeat. Women, vice versa, were deemed prettier by guys when they smiled!
5. Looking stressed
Researchers discovered that men felt less attracted to women with high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.
6. Contractive poses in photos
In a study people were pictures in expansive and contractive (inward) body positions. Expansive poses make you look bigger (tall with shoulders back) and contractive postures are the ones where you look curled in. Men that were pictured in expansive postures were deemed more handsome.
7. Meanness
If we are to believe this study, nice guys don’t finish last. When people were marked on attractiveness, the ones who had been characterized by words accompanying photos as mean or evil were not liked as much as the ones who got labelled honest or decent.
8. Too little sleep
Beauty sleep is not a myth, according to results of this 2010 study. People were photographed after not sleeping for over 30 hours and compared in looks with the ones who slept normal 8 hours. People who didn’t get a chance to sleep were rated as less attractive, unhealthy and sad.
9. Smelling too dissimilar or the same
It’s in the nose of the beholder! The famous “chemistry”, apparently, has a lot to do with how you smell, and we are not talking offensive body odours here at all. Each of us smells a certain way, which is determined genetically. In partners, we are looking for smells that are not too much the same or dissimilar to our own, scientists insist.
To research this aspect, scientists asked people how much they were attracted to the partner and also how many other people they had sex with during this relationship (ouch!). People who had similar immune-system genes were much less attracted to each other and more likely to have sex with other people outside the relationship.
But we also avoid people who smell too different to us, studies uncovered.
This last issue you probably won’t be able to change, but the first 8 are possible to manage and become more attractive to ladies.
With the reason #9, it’s best to remember that sometimes it’s not you but your genes. There is simply “no chemistry” and it’s because your progeny wouldn’t be too healthy in fighting illnesses, due to similarities in genes. Best is to allow things happen naturally!
You will know when you are strongly attracted to someone, no doubt.
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