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How to solve difficult tasks?

How to solve difficult tasks?

Our lives are a series of choices we make while resolving various tasks. The quality of our choices determine the quality of our lives. So far, so good. But how do we become good at…

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Does time management work?

Does time management work?

Time management is the theme with millions of listings in search engines. But does it really work? Scientists analysed a great body of research gathered over the last 40 years across 158 studies involving over…

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Happiness in a marriage is linked to genes

Happiness in a marriage is linked to genes

Genetic research finds amazing links between specific gene variations and certain qualities of people’s lives. A recent study found a link between a specific gene variation and happiness in a marriage. DNA that helps marriage…

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How did humans end up with larger brains?

How did humans end up with larger brains?

Compared to other apes, humans possess much larger brains and 3 times more neurons. A recent study sheds the light on the event that made it possible. The reason why humans have larger brains than…

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Can a partner slow you down?

Can a partner slow you down?

Walking with a partner slows you down, researchers from Purdue University discovered. Couples who stride hand-in-hand are substantially slower compared to people strolling solo. Research: A partner slows you down when walking Dreaming of lovely strolls…

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