In our time of global connectivity where we can communicate with people from the other side of the world and even work remotely for a company that is located thousands miles away, meeting online is just a regular thing. allows singles worldwide to find a match for a relationship that can last a lifetime.
This is a success story of another couple who met online through Elena’s Models dating site and found true love and happiness. Irina and Karim are now parents to a baby girl and live together in Calgary, Canada.
Your success story can start with sending an EOI
Hello, my name is Irina. I registered on the site at the beginning of 2014. I received some e-mails but I had to wait longer for my real soul mate. I sent him an EOI in October, 2017, and we started our talks, almost every day. At that time I lived in Novosibirsk; he is from Calgary, Canada. In December, 2017, he came at Christmas just for three days (I still cannot imagine flying 30 hours for just three days of vacation).
In July, 2018, I visited Calgary for three weeks. On the 30th of October we got married in Italy (Lake Como) and I relocated to Calgary.
And one more miracle happened on the 8th of September, 2019. Our daughter, Ilaria, was born. Karim means “generous” and his actions speak for themselves.
I would like to encourage everyone on the site to not be afraid of sending an EOI. In Calgary, I met another couple that met on Elena’s models, so let us make an “Elena’s models community” in Calgary.
Thank you Elena’s Models for enabling us to find true love and happiness. Good luck and good love for everyone.
Irina (Russia) and Karim (Canada)
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