Being under stress is not good for human health, that’s something we already know. But what have been long under investigation is how to measure the levels of pressure a person experiences in daily life. You can’t go to a doctor every second day, so what are the options for an individual to keep the level of peacefulness (or lack of thereof) under control?
Science now has an answer to this question.
Are you stressed? No questions asked
Another name for stress is ‘the silent killer’ due to its secretive and puzzling influence on the body starting from the chance to get the heart disease to the individual’s psychological well-being.
A simple test to find out stress levels
Researchers at the University of Cincinnati came out with a new device that effortlessly measures regular stress hormones from a sample of any bodily liquid such as blood, saliva, sweat, and urine.
Ultimately, the result will be a simple gadget that could be used at home.
The outline of the study was published in the American Chemical Society Sensors.
An outstanding inventor and professor of electrical engineering in the University of Cincinnati, Andrew Steckl, said he wished to create something basic and easy to understand. Though the apparatus does not provide all the necessary records about a patient’s health, it notifies whether a doctor’s help is required.
UC investigators created a portable device that employs ultraviolet light to calculate the level of stress hormones in a droplet of blood, saliva sweat or urine.
The scholar clarified that the nervousness biomarkers can be spotted in any of these fluids, though in dissimilar amounts. What distinguishes the gadget is that it measures several biomarkers, and is applicable to various excretions.
From personal experiences to a great innovation
The engineer has been investigating biosensors for many years in his laboratory. The recent academic paper article on biosensors is a small part of a sequence of research work of his scientific group. Their work includes one that presents an analysis of techniques for rapid diagnostic tests of anxiety biomarkers.
Having experienced his father’s health crisis, the scientist decided that a home test for a variety of health concerns could be really helpful.
The engineer shares his experience of taking his father to the laboratory regularly to have the checkups done and get prescriptions.
He though it would be much simpler if a person could do a home test on his own. It could help to determine if medical help was needed. The device doesn’t substitute lab diagnostics, yet it may well alarm people of a dangerous condition.
The research attracted interest from the military. Armed forces are concerned about severe tension that pilots and other soldiers experience, which can push them beyond the limits of what a human body can take. Pilots frequently experience an immense stress during flights. The dispatcher should know when the airman is losing the capability to control the task well and get them out quick enough.
Steckl asserts that replacing a full analysis lab blood test is not the intention. However, if you can carry out the test at your home when unwell, this device could help. You are going to learn at least whether your condition is deteriorating or stable.
Stress is a secret enemy of health
The experiment’s initial author and university graduate Prajokta Ray stated she was thrilled to work on such a vital issue for her Ph.D. research.
Stress is harmful in numerous ways. The danger is that this condition sneaks up on you. Moreover, it is hard to predict how disturbing nervousness can be to the overall health condition of the individual.
Ray emphasized that many common illnesses including diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure, and other neurological and mental disorders pop up when a person is under immense nervous pressure.
Ray mentioned that her experience of taking exams at all times resulted in anxiety. It is highly valuable to identify the impact of stress on one’s health.
Engineers have worked very hard to work out an inexpensive and efficient test. The device is designed to spot stress hormones at low concentrations.
According to the scholars, there is an opportunity for the gadget to become a popular product on the market.
In today’s world with its complexity stress catches us at every corner. Even dating online can be stressful, as you may know.
Diagnostics save lives
The University of Cincinnati is at the foreground of biosensor technology. Its study group is investigating sweat analysis and diagnostic testing for every condition from head traumas to lead intoxications.
Professor Steckl has been a distinguished inventor. Based on Google Scholar, inventor’s works have been referred to in a range of articles exceeding 13,000 mentions.
Would you buy a device to measure stress levels at home?
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