Preventing aging is possible and effects of the old age can be reversed, scientists from Bern demonstrated in practice, using a new method.
Age-related changes can be reversed
The most profound changes related to the old age affect the immune system and the body machinery. Scientists demonstrated that there is a way to reverse such changes by working on the cell level, Science Daily reported.
The reason why older people tend to get sick more often is due for the drop in the ability of the immune system to fight deceases. The body systems tend to work less effectively, which affects the energy levels and the ability to do things.
Scientists from the University of Bern looked into the role of certain immune cells in the belly fat that affect the condition known as chromic inflammation and can be used to reverse the aging process.
Belly fat is present in healthy young humans as well as older individuals, but its content differs. The number of cells that are vital in fighting parasite infections is dropping with age, while the number of pro-inflammatory macrophages increases.
“If the balance of cells typical for younger individuals is restored, would it promote the health of the immune system?”, researchers wondered.
In lab experiments researchers transferred cells from young mice to older recipients and it reversed the effects of aging. The level of inflammation dropped in the whole body, having a rejuvenating effect. The aged mice became more agile and physically fit, as was shown on strength and endurance tests. It also improved the effect of vaccination.
As such, the researchers were able to prove that it is possible to reverse the effects of aging, which previously was seen as irreversible. The scientists hope that the same therapy will work for humans.
So, we possibly will be able to live healthily for longer!
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