From the beginning of the online dating industry, this strategy has been known as, “Numbers game”. The more people you will approach, the higher is the chance to be accepted by someone you like.
Dating is numbers game
If you struggle with finding the right person, adopting this strategy, at least for some time while you test whether it works or not, is a good idea.
- Simply email all women you find attractive. Don’t spend too much time on learning about them; with Platinum membership you are able to talk to as many ladies as you wish! It will be worth your investment.
- Make sure you continue talking to all of them who responded positively at least for 10 messages. Some women may stop answering, others could delay returning your messages due to personal reason. If a lady has invested enough time to exchange 10 messages with you, she is interested.
- Once you have 10 ladies with whom you exchanged 10 messages each, review your communications and pick 3 favourites. Keep chatting to them.
- Sooner or later, but usually quick enough, you will know in your heart which one of them you like the most. Ask her to meet you in person and start making arrangements.
Make sure you are not dropping off the communication yourself. If a woman didn’t answer your message the same day, she may have just been busy; contact her again and remind you are waiting for an answer. It could be the difference between finding a loving and devoted partner, or staying single.
Good luck in your dating!
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