What makes a man attractive?
As a woman who is frequently complimented as beautiful and a dating coach to females and males seeking a long-term mate, I can say that there is no single quality that makes a man attractive. (Although…
As a woman who is frequently complimented as beautiful and a dating coach to females and males seeking a long-term mate, I can say that there is no single quality that makes a man attractive. (Although…
Заедать стресс шоколадками крайне вредно. Австралийские ученые установили, что высококалорийная еда в состоянии стресса добавит больше веса, чем та же пища в ситуации без нервной нагрузки. Преступный сговор калорий и стресса Давно известно, что чрезмерное…