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How loneliness impacts the brain

How loneliness impacts the brain

Loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes daily, scientists warned previously, based on many years of research. A recent study looked at how being lonely affects a person’s brain, which is…

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How many Russians don't use Internet?

How many Russians don’t use Internet?

You may think that life without Internet is impossible, but that’s probably because you are a user. However, there are still people who don’t use Internet at all and in Russia 17% of respondents to…

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Is it better to give than to receive?

Is it better to give than to receive?

A recent research demonstrated that kids who are generous to others in need feel better after sharing their winnings. Scientists also found that a child’s propensity to share was linked to mother’s compassionate behavior. Generous…

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These 3 popular jobs will soon disappear

These 3 popular jobs will soon disappear

The job market quickly responds to changes. An expert from Russia named 3 popular jobs that will soon disappear. 3 in-demand professions that will soon disappear In the future, these 3 popular occupation will vanish,…

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