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Why Russian women stay virgins until marriage.

Why Russian women stay virgins until marriage

While western mass culture romanticizes one-night stands and the hook-up culture, making promiscuous behaviour a norm, Russians are moving towards more conservative views in love and sex. Norms typical for Muslim cultures that undeviatingly require…

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rent in Ukraine

Rent in Ukraine

What is different in how apartments are rented in Europe and Ukraine? Segodnya found out what is special about renting homes in Ukraine. What you need to know about renting in Ukraine For starters, to…

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5 most popular cars in Ukraine

Toyota is the most popular brand of cars sold in Ukraine. The popularity of this automotive brand is due to its relatively cheap prices. Overall, the Ukrainian car market has been growing rapidly. 6,800 new cars were…

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Most accessible housing in Russia

Most affordable housing in Russia

The most affordable housing in Russia’s large cities is in Chelyabinsk, which is a place in Ural’s region, 1,800 km from Moscow. An average Russian family would have to save all the money they earn, without…

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Wages in Ukraine, 2018 statistics.

Wages and salaries in Ukraine (2018)

The Statistics Service of Ukraine released the data on earnings of locals in the first quarter of 2018. The average salary in Ukraine keeps increasing, the data shows. However, is it true that Ukrainian women…

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