Latest Dating Blogs And News

5 approaches to finding the one

5 approaches to finding the one

Finding The One is never an easy task. However, some approaches to meeting women have better chances to produce results than others. Check the list and see what approach you are taking to finding The…

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Top 10 online dating mistakes

Top 10 online dating mistakes

Living our life without Internet is hardly imaginable today, and online dating is a very useful part of it. Used correctly, it’s fun and pleasant. These online dating tips for men will help you avoid…

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Does online dating work?

Does online dating work?

Whenever I see general questions, it makes me smile. Whether or not something  is going to work for you, (assuming it can actually work) depends, firstly, on you. I meet people who met online all…

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How to become happy

How to become happy

There is a cool saying about happiness: “Don’t put the key to your happiness into someone else’s pocket”. Happiness is a funny thing: it comes and goes, seemingly, as it pleases. But if you do…

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5 simple tips to impress Russian girls

5 simple tips to impress Russian girls

Making an impression on Russian girls is easier than surprising western ladies. The reason is that women from the former Soviet Union pay much more attention to appearances and value persistence. This is why following…

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